Business Coach
Coaching Qualifications
- Certified SA Business Coach – 8 Dec 2022
Other Qualifications
- Technical Accountant (Institute of Accounting and Commerce, SA) – 20 Feb 2015
- Certified Tax Practitioner (IACSA & SARS) – 30 Jan 2017
Coaching Passion
Alison’s passion of helping people in business thrive, lead to her desire to become a certified business coach. I especially enjoy helping clients achieve goals, align with purpose, and feel empowered about the accounting function and related direct impact on profit. I am understanding, and identify with various aspects of business and am particularly passionate about small business.
Work Experience
I was an employee in corporate (10 years), a leader in network marketing (15 years), a manager in specialised NGO accounting (6 years), have owned and run my own accounting business (8 years).
Coaching Specialties
Simply Bridging the Gap
Accounting & Compliance
Business Coaching to SME Owners
Leveraging Financial Health for Growth
Women in Business
Coaching Experience
I have walked a road with clients, mentoring them in their business and training them in accounting and tax compliance. I use my life experience and coaching skill to help them achieve ‘aha’ moments of insight. I believe that the SA Business’s coaching framework & methodology plus my ability to Train, Empower, hold Accountable and Mentor (TEAM) work well to achieve results. It helps to see the other end of coaching as I was coached professionally as a business owner by a few top coaches. I build rapport quickly and love networking and connecting people to form collaborations.
BE x DO = HAVE is a favourite motto.