“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Never before in the history of our lifetimes has there been a greater need for leadership. The quote above is frighteningly accurate currently, where there is no path to follow. This is the moment when leaders need to not only stand firm in their decisions and move a business forward, they need to pay particular attention to their people.
You are re-entering your company in a far different state to the way you left it. When you went into the lock down people were hurrying to finish off work, buy supplies, and were trying to cope in a state of uncertainty. Now, you will need to stick to a bold course of action and show a strong display of conviction for the future of the business.
This will aid your staff to feel secure and confident in their own futures and in the stability of the company. It is a time of great learning and creative innovation. You will need to consider those who COVID-19 affected directly, and aid those who have been traumatised by isolation and terrifying thoughts to readjust to a sense of normality.
John Maxwell stated your situation perfectly when he said:
“The pessimist complains about the wind.
The optimist expects it to change.
The leader adjusts the sail.”
Adjust your sails so that your vessel can soar through the currents and reach its destination with pride.