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Do yourself a favour – get a business coach

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you not know what to do next? Would you love a sounding board? Or do you need some guidance? You need a coach! So many people wait until their situation feels so heavy, so desperate, that they then frantically search for a solution –...

Tactful talking – managing confrontation in the workplace

We’ve all had to have awkward or difficult conversations with someone at work. Many of us spend enormous amounts of time considering how the other person will respond, and forget to concentrate on how we can put our message across in the most effective way. The...

Work-life balance and optimising support

We’ve heard it said before: “No-one lies on their deathbed and wishes that they’d spent more time at the office.” The irony is that this is often said to those who desperately need to hear it, but although most of us would agree with the sentiment, there is frequently...

Handling stress before it handles you

Every stress management article out there promotes identifying the cause of your stress – treating the source and not the symptom. The problem with this is that for most people who are active in the economy, life in general is the source of stress. Trying to get...