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Business Coach


Coaching Qualifications

  • Business Coach Training (SA Business Coaches) – 15 November 2022

Other Qualifications

  • Bachelors Degree Business Management – 30 Nov 2020
  • Certificate in Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation for Women – 30 Nov 2010
thabitha profile

Coaching Passion

My adeptness as a business coach is driven by my fervour for taking Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) into effective, well-modelled and prominent businesses and organisations. My passion is to help entrepreneurs of all kinds to move their establishments from surviving to thriving mode. This thriving state is meant to solidly impact Southern African lives through driving innovation and improving lives. My aspiration is to help deliver proper and satisfactory support for SMMEs that will lead to their prosperity and sustainability. This support includes connecting and succoring entrepreneurs’ unique sense of establishment and purpose.

Work Experience

In my 10-year experience as an Enterprise Development Professional, I have centered my work around advancing arrays of entrepreneurs through ED programs from inception to delivery. As a program manager for one of South Africa’s highly ranked business schools, my craft has entailed guiding and successfully moving forward tailor-made programs focused on business management within various sectors such as mining, agriculture and ICT.

I have provided business advisory to entrepreneurs in the retail, manufacturing, and services sectors and further enhanced this skill through managing the implementation of a highly influential youth empowerment program in three (3) salient Gauteng townships. My constant objective is to position businesses as the go-to person for prospective, progressive enterprises that are funding-ready, and to provide post-investment support.

Coaching Specialties

Business Strategy Development

Business Processes & Systems Planning

Business Plan Development

Business Funding Readiness Plan

Coaching Experience

Since 2019, I have assigned myself to business owners whose businesses are varied in levels of distinction to co-create strategies that help them develop and grow profitable and sustainable businesses. This growth is meant to transform and develop deeper insights for the businesses. Being a coach aligned with the Behavioural Standards Framework ensures quality assurance in my coaching. My experience, knowledge, and skills accompanied by my values of reliability, integrity, trust, authenticity, results, simplicity, and connections form an integral part of my coaching. The aim is to usher entrepreneurs with enhanced business performance and help them achieve their goals.