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Once Mark had an insight into how his beliefs, values and habits affected his and his business’ performance he was able to consider how best to move himself forward. This was an introspective, intrapersonal, and interpersonal process – it was through his own mind, his internal conversations, as well as his interactions with others which helped him define who he was, how he behaved, and what drove him to achieve.

To refresh himself on the difference and correlation between values, beliefs and habits, Mark read SA Business Coaches’ blog→ on how these 3 elements impact on your life.

Mark’s Values

Mark valued honesty, loyalty, and integrity. He also valued status and achievement. These were ideals through which he lived his life. He noticed that when an employee or client showed a disloyalty to him, he would cut them out of his life. Often this worked to his detriment, as either the disloyalty was his perception – and not necessarily a reality, or it could have been a momentary behaviour – not an indication of character. Mark saw that he damaged relationships, which could have been mutually beneficial, due to his emotional reaction at a point in time.

Honesty and integrity were non-negotiable values. For Mark this was a standard of conducting yourself, whether anyone was watching or not. He could not work in an environment or do business with a company who he felt did not honour this value. He did not regret this perception and was happy to deal with any consequences of the decisions which resulted from this. It was a clear case of what was right, or wrong.

Mark saw himself as an achiever. He believed that this was one of the fundamental reasons for living, and with this came status, which he had worked for, and deserved. It was meaningful for him to achieve, and for others to acknowledge that he had worked himself up to a certain level of stature in society. This also impacted on how he saw himself, and how he conducted business. He wanted his clients and suppliers to be aware that he was the Managing Director of his business, and he resented meeting with junior staff when concluding business deals.

Mark’s Beliefs

Mark had the habit of assuming he knew what others were thinking, or why they behaved as they did. He would believe these assumptions to be true, unless disproven in a significant way. He based these beliefs on previous experiences.

Therefore, if someone had shown themselves to be dishonest, Mark would no longer associate himself with them, based on his assumption that they were a dishonest person, rather than they conducted a dishonest act. The difference to him was that one instance was an indication of a character.

Similarly, he believed that people treat those who are richer and more accomplished in a better way. Therefore, he wanted people to know who he was, and to have respect for him based on him being a self-made-man.

Mark’s belief would change as experiences taught him new things. Therefore, when a client treated him and a junior salesperson in the same manner, despite knowing who he was, this shifted his belief from valuing status above competence, to acknowledging the impact that competence can have in a business interaction.

Mark’s beliefs, therefore, adapted to different environments and circumstances. He was proud of himself for this as he saw it as an ability to learn from his experiences.

Mark’s Habits

He noticed that although he was flexible and dynamic, to manage his life, he kept to quite a strict routine in the way in which he ran his business and his life.

He valued honesty and believed that it was the only way to run his business, and therefore he made it a habit to check all invoices sent to customers and all payments made to suppliers with a fine toothcomb. He also rewarded his staff when they admitted to making a mistake, and he saw this as developing a culture of integrity.

He believed that achievement depended on one’s ability to use time effectively. Therefore, he had a morning routine, which included exercise, reading the Business Day newspaper, and breakfast with his family. He also noticed that he arrived in the office in the same manner every day and seated himself at his desk continuing his habits, such as starting the day by checking his emails.

To fulfil his value of status, he believed that people needed to know who he was. He had developed the habit of introducing himself as the MD, with a summary of his achievements. He did this without thinking, as it had become a habit.

Each habit had been formulated based on his values, reinforced by his beliefs, and consciously moulded into a habit which he felt would enhance his way of operating.

Optimising the Business Owner

Understanding that business owners base their business principles on their personal values can assist the Business Coach when looking at what the business owner’s motivation style is; a towards or away from approach.

Mark understood that his belief system changed in the face of new evidence. This is vital for a Business Coach to recognise in their coachee, and for the Business Owner to work with the Business Coach in identifying what their beliefs are in various situations.

Questions such as:
“Why do believe your client reacted in that way?” Or “How do you think your beliefs affected the outcome of that situation?” will give the Business Coach and the Business Owner a nice insight into how the Business Owner’s beliefs affect his or her daily life.

Habits are easier to identify, as even in the Business Coaching session the coachee is likely to sit in the same seat, prepare him or herself for the session in the same way, and a discussion around routine meetings and approaches should give both parties an outline of the coachee’s habits.

When a Business Coach works with their coachee’s values, beliefs, and habits, they are working with the core elements that make a human being function. By so doing, they can work to improve and enhance how values, beliefs, and habits can make the coachee’s business more successful.

If you are looking to boost how much you know about yourself, and how you can enhance your business, contact a professionally qualified Business Coach at SA Business Coaches→