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“Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more or retreating into less.”
Norman Mailer

That is quite a stark statement to make. It basically says that if you are not growing, you are regressing. In many respects, this is in fact true. The ever evolving and developing world around us requires more than being aware of changes that are happening – it demands that we move ourselves forward to prevent being left behind.

It has been said that the greatest gift one can receive is the capacity to see yourself as others see you. Self-development provides you with the opportunity to expand your current state of being, making yourself a better version of your current self. Part of business Coach training is the self-development that you experience by reflecting on yourself, and how you currently do things.

When you take the step to become a Business Coach, you are not purely entering into the realm of development of others, but you engage and introspect to develop yourself too. It is challenging to guide others through a process that you, personally, have not experienced. There is nothing more exciting that pushing yourself to a level that you have not yet experienced, and there is no greater nobility that being superior to the former version of yourself.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson