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“Amazing things will happen if you listen to the consumer”


Jonathan Midenhall (CMO, Airbnb)

The explosion of the coaching profession is no secret, and, like all attractive markets, when numerous people enter the profession, trends start to evolve quickly. This growth has enhanced an overall awareness of coaching and people’s accessibility to it. Benefitting the coach who is ready to start coaching, or take on more clients.

“Adopt and change before any major trends or changes”


Jack Ma

The other side to trends is the pressure to keep abreast of changes and to develop yourself at the pace required to stay in business. Factors such as measurable results, increased regulations and certification, increased business and industry skills, and a greater focus on the coach’s experience puts the coach under enormous strain to comply with standards that are not considered exceptional, rather the entry requirements into the market.

“The world changes constantly, and so does business. The only thing that stays the same is your innate abilities.”



So many trends present opportunities, such as online coaching. Where your approach or ability to optimise the chance to reach endless coachees without leaving your computer could be the easiest approach to follow. All coaches seek a way to niche and differentiate themselves. The clever coach looks  beyond this to find the trends that work best for you and your business. This allows you to make your business easy to run, while calculated costings for all your actions. Time not coaching is time not billing. What trends would you optimise to make your coaching business the best it could be?

“Things do not happen.
Things are made to happen”


John F. Kennedy