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It has been said that a good relationship is possible when someone accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future. Although this saying was meant within a personal environment, it is certainly applicable to the professional coach. In order to connect with your clients, you need to remain non-judgmental of their past decisions, while using their experience to enhance their present circumstances, and foster their future.

Building a relationship may seem insincere. You have an ulterior motive in creating rapport and establishing a safe space in which your client can share their dreams and show their vulnerabilities. Yet isn’t this a two-way channel? Your client is aware of building the relationship, and to gain the most from the coaching process, they too engage in activities that will make themselves feel most comfortable.

The foundation to any relationship is trust. Trust is earned and it is derived from the assumption that as a professional, you are trustworthy. This can be quite a pedestal to be placed on, and you can endure quite a fall if that trust is broken. It is trust that forms the basis of your credibility. Through this, you begin the process of asking meaningful questions, showing your genuine concern for the welfare of your client.

It is often forgotten that business is about people. It is the competencies required to maintain a business that keep the business alive. It is also the human decisions which differentiate one business from another. When someone comes for business coaching, the more connected they feel to their coach, the greater their chance of success.

When building a successful business relationship with your clients, here are some key steps to help you make the connection valuable:

  1. Remain non-judgmental
  2. Be curious while remaining respectful
  3. Do what you saw you will and build trust
  4. Treat each client the way they show you how they want to be treated
  5. Take their concerns seriously
  6. Remember that your coaching sessions are not a transaction – a person has come to be coached
  7. Remember previous discussions so that you show that you care
  8. Check in with your clients that they are getting value from their time with you
  9. Maintain the safe space ensuring that your client knows you’re on their side
  10. Be fully present. Your client is the most important part of the time you have set aside for them.

Working with a client means using their previous lessons and styles to formulate an encouraging future. This ensures that their excitement in walking their future path with you as their guide.

Connections may take time to build, they certainly take effort to maintain, and they establish a solid foundation to a successful business relationship.

SA Business Coaches trains and guides Business Coaches to develop meaningful and professional relationships with the clients, to ensure a long term mutually beneficial relationship.

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