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Working through an introspective process, Mark had come to realise that his actions, thought, and the way he ran his life were all based on his beliefs, values, habits, and expectations.

He had learnt that he could change this belief system to his advantage and contemplate why he hung onto certain values. Being a proactive man with many ambitions he had deliberately taken note and shifted his habits to make his working environment, time management, and personal engagements work best for him.

Attitude in entrepreneurs sa business coaches

Curious to understand how he could use his core values and beliefs to enhance his positive habits, Mark asked his Business Coach to guide him on the path of personal mastery. He knew that it was up to him to make the changes in his thought processes as well as in his behaviour, yet he wanted to use his Business Coaches’ knowledge and experience so that he could ‘short cut’ this process.

Mark’s Business Coach gave him the following words of advice:

The attitude that you hold within reflects your values and beliefs.


  • Look ahead and see how you want to live your life and run your business.
  • Look within and see what’s holding you back.
  • Look outside of yourself and watch your behaviour.
  • Notice the times when you are in your flow.
    • How can you be in your flow for most of your day?

That is how you will determine what enables you and what restricts you.”



This was easier said than done, but Mark took the advice literally and wrote own his ideal behaviour and modus of operandi. He introspected to understand how he felt about his future and what values, beliefs, and habits were inhibiting his progress.

He had identified his core values and defined which ones were non-negotiable in his life. These can be seen in SA Business Coaches’ Blog defining what Values, Beliefs, and Habits are, and what these meant to Mark.

As described in this blog post above, these habits were based on their beliefs which rested on the foundation of their values. Although his original perception was that thoughts and beliefs were developed subconsciously, he had proven to himself that he had complete control over his internal self-talk.

Looking forward in his work life, Mark could envisage the habits that he wanted to form. He used that to look at the difference between where he currently was and what habits he had formed. It was far more difficult to consider his values and beliefs because so many of these were integrated in him and he couldn’t see how they held him back.

It was here that his Business Coach was able to help Mark use the values he had identified and understand how these integrate into beliefs, which form his behaviour. This was a lengthy and difficult process, as although Mark had already made changes, it was hard to delve into his innermost beliefs.

Through a process of identifying values that were consciously unknown or unthought of, Mark’s Business Coach helped him to see how the ripple effect could make him stronger, happier, and work in his flow more effectively.

Introspection and being willing to consider why aspects of your life are not in the flow, is the key entry point in allowing your values, beliefs and habits to move your life and career into a more productive future.

If you are looking to boost how much you know about yourself, and how you can enhance your business, contact a professionally qualified Business Coach at SA Business Coaches→