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The clique that the only constant thing in the world is change has become a mantra for many businesses during this time. As a leader, your style, and the impression that you make on your company will be under scrutiny as the business endures one of the most challenging situations one could experience.

The most critical advice that could be given at this time, is to remain flexible. Whether that is in your nature or not. We cannot employ any form of stagnant strategy or approach when we do not know how long this will last; what the impact on our business will be; or how our employees will readjust. You can always market to gain new clients, procure new suppliers, and adopt new strategies. The most important focus during this time, is the mindset of your employees.

Many people are afraid of losing their jobs, their security ad their income. Without making false promises, this is the time to be a leader and lead them through their anxieties so that they build a sense of trust and loyalty to the business that carried them through this period. Your employees have experience in how your business runs and the cost in time, effort and money to retrain people is a large enough factor to focus on your people now.

Not everyone can adjust to change easily, and it can be extremely difficult to modify an established business that has taken years to cultivate. However, it is in the adaptability and tractability that you demonstrate and lead that creates the greatest chance of returning to a company that can be regenerated, with a committed and strong minded team.