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Our brains are remarkable organs. They can learn new facts on an ongoing basis and have the capacity to retain 90% of what we learn.

The problem with this is that our brains are complex systems so when we make a decision, it is not pure logic that is used. We also integrate our past experiences, our emotions, and our sentiments. As brilliant as our thought processes are, we all have limitations.

These are called cognitive biases.

A cognitive bias is a deficiency or restraint in your thinking that cannot be corrected. It’s a constraint in your ability that you have no way of overcoming. As opposed to this, a cognitive flaw is an error of judgement that comes from the way we remember things, how we’ve been brought up, our experiences, or erroneous assumptions. Everyone has cognitive flaws. And most of us don’t realise it.

So, our brains which functions at a phenomenal standard, is restricted by our cognitive mistakes or thought prejudices. Thought prejudices we are not aware we have.

How then, would an executive who would want to overcome their cognitive flaws do this?

Simple. They would engage in a process with an independent, non-directive Business Coach. This process illuminates your way of thinking and identifies what works for you and what works against you. No bullying your thought processes; just facilitating your brilliance.

Cognitive flaws are like bad habits that we develop over time and are oblivious to. They hurt us in subtle ways that we aren’t aware of but the impact over time or in one simple decision, can be devastating.

Unlocking the door to how we think can be more powerful than learning new facts or retaining information. It can change your decisions and transform your career