This article forms part 2 of a 5 part series on Bongi’s coaching experience.
Bongi enjoyed her Business Coaching function as an internal coach. She had always worked in corporate environments as a Human Resource practitioner, and she found the people side of business to be challenging. Her view was that people cannot be programmed to perform a function. Many have natural insights into themselves, and they remain motivated, and self-manage. Additionally, some interact and have a great understanding of others (these 5 areas of self and others are the components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) as seen in figure 1 below).
Those with a high level of Emotional Intelligence – either ingrained or coached – have the propensity to be more resilient and handle work situations extremely well.
For Bongi, developing these areas were not only vital to the survival of each coachee, but also crucial for the future flourishing of the business. She engaged with her Business Coach, Margi, on how she should coach around these areas.
Margi started by talking about self-efficacy, which is your belief in your own ability to perform a task.
Immediately Bongi realised that this was the key to developing both EQ, as well as Personal Mastery.
Mastering yourself is true power.
Bongi embarked on a coaching programme focusing on introspection, identifying personal strengths, and determining the coachee’s levels of self-efficacy within their Key Performance Indicators. She integrated her coaching style to encompass the concept of “Business Emotional Intelligence” as seen in figure 2 below.
Through this process, she and her coachees gained awareness into each person’s thinking, behavioural, and emotional styles. The coachees realised how this affected their self-perception, how they performed their functions, and managed others.
For those who emersed themselves in this coaching opportunity, their levels of resilience grew as they believed in themselves and their abilities. The understanding that their behaviour, thoughts, and emotions would ebb and flow in varying situations seemed to give them deeper confidence and a greater sense of self mastery. Bongi felt that she had made both a personal breakthrough, as well as one which would impact her coachees forever.
To work with a coach who uses this coaching framework to develop personal mastery, please visit our Coaching Services page→
Help Guide: Improving Emotional Intelligence→
The five components of Emotional Intelligence→